Characters, who. why and how.

Gregory Parker
Genejoke at 8:36AM, May 4, 2010
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
The first character we meet, Gregory Parker, or Greg as he prefers.
He is in his late twenties and lives alone, well with his dog charlie. or did before the story started.
His childhood was pretty much defined by the farm he grew up on and a lack of child companions making him more serious and pragmatic than he may have been otherwise. The time spent clay pigeon shooting serves him well in Malefic as he is one of a minority of English people who actually knows how to use a gun properly.
He is brave over reason and headstrong with it.

Full name: Gregory John Parker
Age: 28

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM

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