Episode 161 - The Gravy Train to the Stars

Apr 7, 2014

We join our heroes attempting an ill-conceived hiking holiday on the surface of the sun... While they're getting over their stupidity let's talk about Quackcast 161! We asked people to contribute their own notions about what's cool and interesting in SciFi, as well as what they don' like and what they do not think works well. We had so many great contributions that we decided to split it into two parts, so you'll be able to catch another instalment of our space faring heroics!

Episode 147 - Merry Xmas! DD Radio Play Omnibus Edition

Dec 23, 2013

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Summary: For the final Quackcast of 2013 we have an extra special treat for everyone: ALL three of the annual DD radio plays in a single quackcast! The first one produced by Ayesinback and written by Ally Haert, the second one again produced by Ayesinback but written this time by Gunwallace, and the third written again by Gunwallace and produced by Ozoneocean. Banes and I hope you enjoy the adventures of Maxwell McDuff, private eye, we'll be back in the new year for more Quackcasts. Merry Xmas!

Episode 145 - The Third Duck, 2013 DD Radio Play

Dec 11, 2013

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Finally! The 2013 DD Radio play is complete! It was a long time in coming but it's out now and still within 2013, despite everything that has happened. The radio plays were started by Ayesinback and have been going for 3 years now, begining with The Karaoke Caper, then last year it was The Duck Always Quacks Twice, and now this year we're proud to bring you The Third Duck! Many great people contributed towards this, our voice actors, producers, writer and musician... and let's not forget all the great comic artists who did the lovely illustrated version! So please enjoy our radio play. -The first one was written by Ally Heart*

Episode 133 - An interview with everyone!

Jul 15, 2013

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So the idea this time was an evolution of what I did for Quackcast 132, except THIS time we made up a list of crazy interview questions and a lot of great people answered them in the personalities of their comic characters in really silly and fun ways. Banes and I acted out all the parts. Skoolmukee makes a fantastic guest appearance for the last one so make sure you listen all the way to the end! (part two next week!!!) I hope this inspires you to check out some of these comics, plus it's a really fun way to write for your character and learn a bit more about the way they think, so I'll keep the thread open if anyone else wants to add to it: - http://www.drunkduck.com/forum/topic/175825/

Episode 131 - Contributors Comic Classic Movies

Jul 1, 2013

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This week we have some generous contributions from people who have let us know about their fave adaptions of comic book movies! Last week it was just Banes and I crapping on about our choices, THIS week we get to hear from a much wider perspective. Our contributors had some very interesting things to say about their choices!

Episode 129 - Wizards of Webcomics and Their Marvellous Techniques

Jun 10, 2013

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Quackcast 129 fits in with our technical series of Quackcasts when we investigate different comic making tools, like pen and paper, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Toon Boom Studio, Manga Studio etc. except this time we asked people to tell us about the tools they use to make their comic, the pros and cons, how much it costs, how long it took to learn how to use it, where other people can get it... all that sort of stuff, we wanted to know- that info can help others too so it's good to share it! And thankfully the wonderful wizards of webcomics graced us with the secrets of their best methods.

Episode 100 - Ah needs mah stories

Oct 22, 2012

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In Quackcast 100 we open up the influential stories topic to the community! Our Duckers let us know what stories have made the biggest impact on them as creators and comicers. Banes and I read them out in hilarious voices with lots of laughing at our own jokes... but don't let that take you away from the clever stuff people have written! There's a lot of very interesting things to gain from their reading experiences. And because this is number 100 we celebrate with a reprise of Banes' lovely Dylanesque performance of Gunwallace's Dungeon song!

Episode 95 - Kawaii Daigakusei Confidential

Sep 17, 2012

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Our very special guest this week is the lovely Claire Leona, known as kawaiidaigakusei on DD, she's the author and artist behind the long-running comic Kawaii Daigakusei that was recently featured! Kawai Daigakusei is about a young woman growing up and finding her place in the world. Learning how to have relationships, learning about the world of art, and indulging in her passion for videogames and fast cars. In this interview we get into some behind the scenes info about leona's comic, we learn what inspired her, where real life ends and the comic begins, what it's like to produce such a large body of work, and how what she's learned in her comic has helped her in her proffessional life and vice versa! We also have Bane's wonderful rendition of Gunwallace's Character Development song. You must not miss it.

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