Without Moonlight Chat

Filler transfer
Tantz_Aerine at 12:08PM, Dec. 12, 2010
posts: 1,992
joined: 10-11-2006

This is the filler page I had uploaded on December 6, and all the comments that had been left, so that nothing you leave at WM is ever lost ;)

My note was:

Sorry, really sorry about this!

But this past week has been really hectic and exhausting and very mentally demanding as it involved legal stuff and the political situation here in Greece. I won't tire you with it though, and instead talk about this photo I chose for you!

This is from one of the great demonstrations of 1943 where unarmed Greek civilians marched as you see them right here, before nazi machine guns, against the enforced conscription of Greeks to work camps and the various fronts the nazis wanted them to fight against the allies.

These people you see here walked right into the ministry that held the conscription rosters, took the rosters with the names of the conscripted men, burnt them and left.

The conscription never happened.

The nazis had opened fire, by the way. During every protest some 30 to 40 protesters were mowed down by machine gun, but they still continued.

In 1943 it is reported there were demonstrations nearly every month. And several things the nazis wanted to do (like the conscriprion) were averted and the relevant decrees never enforced.

That was the civilian Resistance :)

Next week we continue with our story! Hope that although this was filler, it still was interesting for you :)

And the comments were:

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It was interesting =) Hope you're feeling better!
-Posted on Dec 09, 2010

Tantz Aerine
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bravo1102: Oh yes, you are right about that. There were horrible reprisals in Greece for everything we did in those trajectories as well, but I guess to a very large extent, after 1941, we counted it as part of the cause.

And though I may be giving away plot, I just want to say that El Alamein was in 1942 and was indeed, as you said, one of the greatest first successes for the Allies. :)
-Posted on Dec 08, 2010

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Some other demonstrations that all happened after exhortations from London for the people of Occupied Europe to rise up in 1943: France, Italy, Warsaw Ghetto uprising. They may have been spontaneous on the spot but all were inspired by broadcasts at that time and the first great Allied Victories in mid-1943. (El Alamein, Stalingrad, Kursk, Tunisa, Sicily) Sadly many were met with horrific reprisals by Nazi forces which forced the SOE to withdraw and reverse their rhetoric.
-Posted on Dec 08, 2010

Tantz Aerine
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kyupol: Well, I hope you don't get to experience something like this, but in case you do, you know now how to stop it :)
-Posted on Dec 07, 2010

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I hope thats not gonna happen in future America. (go research FEMA camps. Watch movie: “POLICE STATE 4: RISE OF FEMA”)
-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

Tantz Aerine
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PIT FACE: Thanks so much! And I completely agree. It is very powerful.

DAJB: And thank you for reading :)
-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

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tantz has been kickin fascist ass on and OFF the comic ;) great update none the less, man!it's a small pic, but damn is it overwhelming.
-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

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Lovely slice of historical background. Thanks for this!
-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

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-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

Tantz Aerine
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bravo1102: it is true that resistance cooperated a lot with British intelligence and other organized resistance nodes in Europe, but these particular demonstrations were pretty much spontaneous in that they weren't really organized or scheduled. Often they were not even wanted by allied forces and the only organization was ELAS (more about that later on), one of the main Resistance groups. Especially in matters that were strictly hellenic in interest (such as the bulgarization of Macedonia or this conscription) it is quite safe to say that allied propaganda had very little to do with it.

Otherwise yes, everyone had an illegal ‘unsealed’ radio stashed up (it was under pain of death to keep such a radio) in order to ‘listen to London’ every chance they got for news and encouragement that the war was not lost :)
-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

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The demonostrations were also fueled by Allied propaganda especially the SOE and Churchill's exhortations to rise up against the occupation. There was also the hope that the Allies would be invading soon as prompted by Allied operations like Mincemeat which were merely feints to suck Nazi Attention from Allied actions in Sicily and Italy.
-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

Tantz Aerine
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Darwin: That is what we can all only hope for. Because it really isn't something one can declare for themselves and be certain they are accurate.

Usedbooks: The greatest heroes would profess to be cowards, except when the time came and they saw there was no other way out. These people in the photo were just like you and me, not larger than life action heroes. They did what they did because they had no other choice. And that's when heroes are born. :) So don't jump the gun on who you are. Let life show that, when and if necessary.
-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

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Very cool. It's nice to see brave men and women standing up for what's right, even when it may cost them their lives. If ever the situation comes, I hope I can react as bravely.
-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

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Sorry for your hectic week. Legal stuff is the most exhausting kind of hectic.

I gotta admire demonstrators and protesters. They have guts. I wouldn't risk a paycheck for a cause like that, let alone my life! I'm glad every day that there are others willing to risk their lives for the futures of cowards like me. :)
-Posted on Dec 06, 2010

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM

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