Networking & Community Projects*

Lite Bites Returns. Seeking writers and artists.
Genejoke at 5:40PM, March 22, 2021
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Who remembers Lite Bites? It was a community project I ran here from 2011-2014 mostly made up of short stories and some reviews. I've resurrected the project, so far I've been posting stories originally posted in we are the duck and twisted visions. Those were similar projects to lite bites with the aim of putting them all in one place. New content is coming soon and I'm looking for contributors to help make it happen.

How does one contribute?

Well lite bites is mostly made up of short stories, these stories need writing and illustrating. You could do one, you could do both.

If you want to write a script, or maybe have one (or more) written and want to help out drop me a PQ and I'll try and get an artist on board.

If you're an artist after a script to illustrate drop me a PQ and I'll see what I have available and what you fancy taking on.

of course you are also welcome to write and illustrate your own and submit it to Lite Bites. Maybe you have one done already that you feel would suit Lite bites.

There is no set genre or style, the age rating is mature so anything up to that is fine.

Genejoke at 2:42AM, April 25, 2021
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Giving this a bump, always looking for contributers.

Anyone up for doing some reviews drop me a PQ.

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