Networking & Community Projects*

Pay it Forward community project idea
usedbooks at 4:59AM, Aug. 5, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I'm hesitant to suggest it, because I'm not one for starting or leading things (or having good ideas), but I figured I'd throw this out there and see if anyone would be interested.

I remember in 2007, there was a long thread of fan art trading in the forum. It was a lot of fun since people would post a request to trade and then someone else would say “I'll trade!” And it was done. It partnered up many DDers whom had never met before and made for some neat artwork and also promotion as they shared the fan art on their comics (and good art practice too). It's how I met some of my friends here too. :)

I was thinking about that spirit of guest art (not really fan art, since the traders often were not regular readers – at least beforehand) and I came up with an idea for a guest art project. My idea is this:

~Start with a list of participants (at least four or five – can add others as they are interested) include with the list projects or subjects they'd each like artwork for to avoid confusion.
~First person draws guest art for a participant of their choosing.
~The guest art is posted and the recipient is now “tagged” to draw guest art.
~This person has a week (or two?) to draw artwork for someone else on the list. (Not the one who drew their art nor anyone whom has already received guest art.)
~After everyone has received a piece of art, the person who is “it” may draw for anyone on the list to start a second round.
~Oh and if someone can't participate in the round, they can request to be removed or marked as inactive. And if anyone drops the ball (without notification or requesting more time), a volunteer will pick it up, and the ball dropper won't be allowed to participate in the next round. Two ball droppings will be a ban from the project.

So, that's my idea. If anyone would be interested, please reply here. If I can get at least four people besides myself, I'll set it up. If not, then I'll just let it slip quietly into the pit of bad ideas.
Genejoke at 5:13AM, Aug. 5, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
You can count me in.
Luminous at 4:44PM, Aug. 6, 2011
posts: 193
joined: 4-28-2006
I remember that thread and I've been really missing it ever since it fell off into the abyss of inactivity. It was such a fun thing to participate in. Definitely count me in. My current comic isn't really long yet… but I'm updating regularly :) And I'd certainly be okay with receiving art of AF, too. Either one.

See my art on… Flickr | Tumblr
usedbooks at 4:58PM, Aug. 6, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Oo! You have a new project? I gotta fave and like that. ^_^

Yeah, I figure you wouldn't need an active comic or even a DD-hosted comic to participate, just something people can do guest art for and an enthusiasm to draw guest art for others.

Thanks, Genejoke! You're an awesome DDer community guy!


Also, maybe after we get this going, we can have themed rounds, just for interest. It would be drawing guest art but with an added twist to also fit a theme or contain a component – like “autumn” or “the color blue” or “food.”
last edited on Aug. 8, 2011 8:16AM
Abt_Nihil at 5:13AM, Aug. 9, 2011
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
I'd sign up, but only if the number of participants reaches “critical mass” - someting like fifteen people. Then it would be great fun, I think!
I'll advertise this thread on my comics.
usedbooks at 5:48AM, Aug. 9, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Thanks. :) It would be great if that many could get involved. I'm trying to drum up interest elsewhere too. I think it wouldn't be hard to do during DD's more active times, but August is often a lul even without the hiccups thanks to the dreaded demons of reality known as “school” and “work.”
last edited on Aug. 9, 2011 5:49AM
patrickdevine at 10:13AM, Aug. 9, 2011
posts: 757
joined: 4-26-2007
Sure, why not. I'll do it.
usedbooks at 3:54PM, Aug. 10, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
patrickdevine wrote:
Sure, why not. I'll do it.
Yay! Cricket's Creature, Calico Jack, both? (Or if you have another project I don't know about)
amanda at 10:55AM, Aug. 11, 2011
posts: 2,075
joined: 9-19-2007
I would love to participate, but there are two things:
1) I don't host on DD anymore.
2) It's a photo comic ^.^
If that's still alright with everyone, I'm in! If not, no harm done.
usedbooks at 12:49PM, Aug. 11, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I don't intend it as a DD exclusive sort of thing, so it doesn't matter where you're hosted as long as it can be accessed by everyone. This is an open community, IMO, and readers, lurkers, and forum goers are as much a part of it as those hosted.

As for comic type and content as well as the guest art, I'm all for keeping things as open as possible, like the Secret Santa, and not turn away participants. We all have different ability levels and strengths, so I think in the spirit of the thing, I'm totally fine with it. :)

We might draw a line on NSFW content (I know that's not you unless your comic plans to take a strange turn…) – and nothing mean-spirited to recipients. But that would be it as far as content and art rules – unless an issue comes up later.

But I'm open to opinions of other people involved too as far as rules are concerned.
usedbooks at 4:26PM, Aug. 14, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I did get as many people to reply here as I was waiting for, so I'll set up a site, and get this rolling by the end of the week. I started working on it a while ago, but I'm not happy with my original attempt at a color scheme. XD (It's almost as bad as the forum. ;) )
I guess I'll draw first (first person has to draw twice but receive once.) to get it going. Maybe other people will sign up once it's up and running.
Luminous at 8:30PM, Aug. 23, 2011
posts: 193
joined: 4-28-2006
Yay, let's get it started! :D

Also, I'm assuming we're using the PQ system, right? So… just wanted to remind everyone to check your PQs when you log on, because there's no notification anymore.

See my art on… Flickr | Tumblr
usedbooks at 7:27AM, Aug. 24, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Yes, and I am setting up a comic forum for organizing and record-keeping.

Sorry for the delay. I had a health issue come up last week, which set me back. -_- will have things rolling soon.

Btw, anyone want to be comic assistant?

Or should we change the assistant to each person on their turn, so they can upload their own guest art? (Is that possible?)
last edited on Aug. 24, 2011 7:32AM
Genejoke at 4:39PM, Aug. 24, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Well you can have multiple assistants, but it may be easier to have one orr two people organise it so it runs smoothly.
Luminous at 9:45AM, Aug. 26, 2011
posts: 193
joined: 4-28-2006
I'd be willing to help out as assistant. It might be a good idea to rotate assistants, though, I don't know… hard to say whether it would be easier to post PQ'd images or to make and un-make assistants.

See my art on… Flickr | Tumblr
usedbooks at 10:31AM, Aug. 26, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
We'll start with PQs and email for now. :) I'll put whatever the artist wants in the author comments. (Abd my email is for anyone who prefers that to PQs).

Could everyone interested in this please go here, read stuff, and tell me if I need to change or add anything? Definitely double-check the participants list and make sure I know which comic project(s) you'd like to be part of this.

I'll get to making guest art for *someone* in the next few days to get things rolling. :) We can take more participants any time, as well. The more, the better.
usedbooks at 2:05PM, Aug. 30, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
We are up and working! So, go to the link below to see who's tagged. ;)
last edited on Aug. 30, 2011 2:07PM
Asbin at 8:02AM, Sept. 8, 2011
posts: 169
joined: 2-9-2010
Sounds cool, count me in
usedbooks at 5:34PM, Sept. 9, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Yay! Added you to the list of participants. Amanda's deadline is up soon, so we should have another piece up… soon.
Banes at 10:36AM, Sept. 12, 2011
posts: 672
joined: 8-13-2008
I'm itching to take part in something, having gotten excited about the upcoming dd awards.
Please sign me up!

usedbooks at 2:04PM, Sept. 12, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Added. :)

I am getting fed up with trying to make links in the forum. -_- I might change the Participants List to a page on my own domain. (I was hoping editing a forum post would mean LESS time than editing html document in notepad, logging into ftp, and uploading, but apparently it takes longer… And is WAAAAY more aggravating.)

Anyway, for the moment, the participant list is here:

EDIT: Ack! See? See what it did? Curse you text editor!!!

(Btw, thanks for pinning this. :) )
last edited on Sept. 12, 2011 5:52PM
Genejoke at 6:43AM, Oct. 13, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
I'm next to do art but due to house move I'm going to take longer than ideal, I will make good on it I promise. Just not this week.
ayesinback at 3:57PM, Oct. 14, 2011
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
usedbooks wrote:
Anyway, for the moment, the participant list is here:

EDIT: Ack! See? See what it did? Curse you text editor!!!
Niccea hipped me to the trick. When it's on the dd site, delete http:// and start the url with www. Of course there's an exception, and that's when you're linking to an image from your user control panel – then you use the entire url address as if you were linking to something off the dd site
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
Genejoke at 1:33AM, Nov. 17, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
After holding this up I have done my entry and have pq'd used books with a link to the image so she can post it.
Banes at 3:32PM, Nov. 18, 2011
posts: 672
joined: 8-13-2008
Thanks, Genejoke…damn, I almost wish I wasn't in “Halloween Special” territory, still…maybe I can comission some paintings of the regular characters again some time!
I'm honored to have you do that pic - he looks great! Thanks again.
Sent mine to usedbooks, too. :)

usedbooks at 7:15AM, Nov. 23, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
There are just a couple people left in this round. If you'd like to sign up for the next round, just let me know what comic project(s) you'd like to receive fan art for.

Also, I am considering implementing round “themes” for interest. Instead of drawing general fan art for each other, we draw fan art with a theme (like, bad guys, holidays, weather, vacation, technology,etc.). It's up to you guys if you're interested or we can just keep it open-ended as-is (it basically ends up mostly as character portraits this way).
Genejoke at 1:59AM, Nov. 25, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Themes will make it more interesting, sounds good.
usedbooks at 7:03AM, Dec. 12, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Latest submission is posted!

I'm taking names for participants for round two, so please let me know if you want to be part of it. The list is here.

Also, I am interested in any ideas for themes.
Banes at 8:00AM, Dec. 12, 2011
posts: 672
joined: 8-13-2008
Well, it's winter (where I live, anyway…we're a worldwide community, here, which is awesome).
Anyway, some themes that pop to mind are…
'christmas activities' (caroling, baking, gifts, gatherings, whatever…I guess it's a
subcategory of ‘christmas’…)
'winter sports' (hmmm…I like this one!)
'we did the mash' (artists' characters with the recipient's characters)
'this is your comic. This is your comic on Sesame Street' (the recipients' character/s on Sesame Street).

usedbooks at 8:43AM, Dec. 12, 2011
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Since it usually takes around two or three weeks for each person to finish a submission, it won't be winter for the whole round, but I have considered “holidays” as a theme (pick whatever holiday you like). Winter can be a fun theme, too, even if it runs into spring and summer. ;)

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