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Possible Summer Art Trade
Reashi at 2:42AM, June 27, 2012
posts: 87
joined: 1-25-2006
Anyone know if we will be doing one this year? If not, I could run it I guess if Niccea and Rockulilly are too busy? :D
Niccea at 8:11PM, July 1, 2012
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
I'm afraid I got my hands full with the awards right now. Last year they were late so I could run both. But everything is on schedule now, so I got a bit much to handle. I haven't seen Rokulily around in a while.
Reashi at 2:54PM, July 3, 2012
posts: 87
joined: 1-25-2006
You think I could run it then? :D
Niccea at 3:36PM, July 3, 2012
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
If you think you can, you can. It is easy to run.

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