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Lite bites reviews are open.
Genejoke at 2:21PM, May 14, 2022
posts: 4,225
joined: 4-9-2010
Since lite bites has returned I've done a few ninja reviews but I'm now after submissions for reviews.

Requirements for review.

A minimum of 20 pages, ideally enough to get a decent feel for the comic. Obviously that great various from comic to comic.

The reviews will be done in comic form and stylizes, often humourously. As a result they aren't quick reviews, there will be a couple of reviewers and discussion going on an then it will be posted in lite bites between stories. Sometimes over a few pages.

A couple of examples of reviews done in the last year or so.

I'm also looking for co reviewers, so drop a comment saying if you want a review or to help review others.
hpkomic at 12:18AM, May 18, 2022
posts: 1,031
joined: 1-1-2006
Ah, this is pretty fun. I had considered doing something like that with my RGBots strip but never got around to it.

If you are interested in reviewing them I would like to see what you think.

The current Duck archive is creeping into the 40s at this point. The current archive on the website shows we're at least a couple of hundred strips deep at this point.
Genejoke at 6:55AM, May 18, 2022
posts: 4,225
joined: 4-9-2010
Sure, you're first on the list. Thank you.

Time to get reading.
last edited on May 18, 2022 6:57AM
Genejoke at 2:19AM, May 25, 2022
posts: 4,225
joined: 4-9-2010
The review goes live on the 28th May.

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