Public Profile


member since February 02, 2006


I love stories about the supernatural and get most of my ideas from famous novels, shows and movies like; Anita Blake,Buffy, Angel,Underworld,The Craft,Resident evil, etc… pretty much things that revolve around vampires and werewolfs and magic.

Comics By Rvixen

  • Sci-Fi |
  • 2 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
You wake up day in and day out with the same schedule but what happens if you discover that the world hides an undercurrent society...vampires, shifters, all the monsters in those horror books are real and have there own way of life.
  • Sci-Fi |
  • 3 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
"I need to find my sister and figure out what we were created for..."

Comics Assisted By Rvixen

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Comics Recomended By Rvixen

There are 2Masters in this world, both of them have the powers to move heaven and earth, and they fight each other over the right to rule the world, humans under them must choose one to follow...

Raven is a rogue anthro working for a rebel group against those that created her.

Here be demons ...

A Girl under the name of Kamui goes to Japan to make her dream come true,Become a Manga-ka, How ever beeing a Gaijin it's not easy in the land of her dreams, Now she and her friends have to fullfill their dreams changeling live isshues with optimism

Rvixen's friends

  • shino
  • HugoSIII
  • slimredninja
  • Volte6

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