Public Profile


member since November 11, 2007


Name: Mike
Age: 24
Bio: read below

The following is an excerpt from, The Trials of Mike the Writer: From Space-Wolf to Middling Funny-Book Writer.

Mike is a stand-up guy born of dragons blood and rabbits feet. He was raised by space-wolves on the mystical plains of Valhalla where he was eventually discovered by the god Odin. Odin took him in and gave him the Sword of Tarter Protection, with which Mike helped to fight the relentless armies of the Cavity Creeps alongside the 1st infantry battalion under Colonel Crest during the Great Anti-Dentite War. Following a taxing but successful battle against the gum disease GINGIVITIS he returned to Valhalla, which he now considered his true home. Soon after, however, Mike found that his wild space-wolf spirit wouldnt let him stay in one place too long and he decided to leave his home for an extended sabbatical amongst humans on Earth.

It was here that he learned of his love for the written word in picture form and decided to pursue an ill-advised career writing comic books. But one thing stood in his way. In all of his travels, in this reality and the next, he had not encountered an artist. And so his newest quest begins, to find a capable artist that is willing to brave the dream killing adventure of creating a new comic book property.

Comics By mjmcbride

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
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This is an original comic strip about genetically modified potatoes that were accidentally brought to life during a science fair project.

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  • David House
  • 4bh0r53n
  • forsakendoctrine
  • soulcelshade
  • Ashwara
  • fourobs
  • Volte6
  • Spirit of darkness
  • Skilledfingerz

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