May Flowers

antcomics on Nov. 9, 2007

The May installment for the 2008 Antcomics calendar!

So I wanted to do a Thanksgiving comic…here's the deal though: I still had seven more Antcomics Calendar pages to draw. I need to be finished with these by Christmas time. Yeah. I was realizing it's the middle of November…

So the May page was next. And I found a way to do both! HAHA!

This was inspired by a dorky joke I heard as a kid (and not surprisingly, I was a sucker for bad jokes):

Q: If April showers bring May FLowers, what do May Flowers bring?

Anyhow. Here it is, and as I drew this it occurred to me that it was the perfect opportunity for a cameo. You all probably figured it out by now. Dracco is a swell guy, he always leaves nice comments here, and he has one of the kick-assest comics here at DD.

Check out Like Fish In Water:

In all honesty I will be gald when I can go back to regular strips. The calendar is fun, but I have so many other ideas it's a little frustrating in a way…if only I could draw FASTAHHH!

Oh, and as promised–there is a killer 50th strip (fast approaching) that will be a big Fanart Extravaganzaaaa. Stay tuned!