
RedSparrow on March 25, 2013

Welcome to the first official page of Asleep (does the title page count? I don't think it does). If I may I would like to take a moment to introduce Red, come out Red, don't be shy… no? Okay then I'm taking over the authors notes. My name is Phib and I'll be you conduit to all things behind the scenes.

Red and I have known each other for quite sometime and worked on projects of all sorts in the past, most of which remain in progress (we'll get to it eventually). I was originally going to include some information about Red's influences when I asked her what she though all I got was;

“Self inspired. :|”

She's more visual than words, bless her little cotton socks, which is why I'm here (to help with the words, not to literally bless her socks).

On this page we meet Gordon, the unwitting hero of our story. Like many of us he has a boring day job, unlike many of us he has developed some unique coping mechanisms to deal with the mundanity of the day to day.

I hope you enjoy this comic and stay with us on the journey. We aim to update every Monday, because we all know Mondays suck. So in order to deliver on time for next week we will leave you to your thoughts.

Note from Red:
This comic may appear to start very slow, but bear with it - Gordon's real-life is supposed to be slow. You'll appreciate the tempo change when it happens, trust me :)

Note from Phib:
In fact you'll probably wish you'd packed a lunch and had a moment to sit and eat it.