Akshat Mishra on Aug. 13, 2017

Episode 2 : Here Comes the Darkness - Part 2

The machine started with a thundering sound and the sky became dark at the time when Sun was shining at its highest. Dictigor took the machine and his left over Marauders, the savage Maracusians who just had a thirst for the war. The Marauders rampaged the battlefield with explosions and killing the Scavengers and Sapiens. The Scavengers decided to retreat and leave the battlefield with the remaining soldiers because they knew that defeating Marauders was not a handy task. So they left the Sapiens to fight them.

The Sapiens were now clear that they are not going to survive this battle. So ten of the Sapiens climbed the Scavengers’s ship in order to have a chance of saving their species for the greater good. The Marauders launched the EMP grenades on the Armada ships. The ship which had the Sapiens inside it was lucky enough to move out of the range of the EMP while all other ships were shut down and fell to their despair. The Scavengers came out with weapons loaded from the Cargo Bay and launched attacks on the Maracus’s and Marauders. The Cresto Sapiens joined them and decided to fight one last time for their planet.

Dictigor deployed the bombs he planted on the Earth and climbed his ship with the Maracus(s) on it and left the Marauders to die on the planet because he knew if he told the judges on his planet that he invaded a planet with an aim of removing the Marauders from their planet, he would be bailed without any accusitions. The Armada with the Sapiens suddenly came out of nowhere and hit the Dictigor’s craft with a missile. The Marauder’s leader Rhaegar hit the Dimension machine with his spear which expelled a split beam on the Scavenger’s Armada and Dictigor’s craft guzzling them in different dimensional holes, their fate unknown. The scene is ended with the Earth booming with the blasts and the living forces making terrific loud cries as they die. Rhaegar is seen furious suddenly he is covered up by the blasts.