Die Eingreifer 3 - Am Esstisch

Lemniskate on March 25, 2008

We can't deny it: our self-image stems from the comics. So let's see what we can do better then them.

Luckily I served in the army.

First: costumes, er… uniforms. Following requirements: first: fashionable. Second: bulletproof. Third: tearproof, but elastic. Fourth: warming respectivly cold-repellent. Fifth: water repellent. Sixth: fireproof. I propose we approach a working clothes specialty shop.

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“Second: we need firearms. Like Wolverine said to Storm: ‘It can happen that your powers forsake you, and then you’ll be needing a weapon.' Membership in a shooting association. We should get in with the police and obtain lots of approvals.”
“Third: we need in-ear monitors for coordination and communication.”
“Fourth: we need standard procedures for a lot of situations like capture, superior number, pursuit…”
“Fifth: an operations centre, operation vehicles, first class equip. Connected to this: how do we deal with the financial aspect?”

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“Damn. Hell of an outlay. They never mentioned it in the comics…”

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“We have to be at the right place at the right time! We need connections! We must integrate into a developping superhero subculture.”

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“Real superheroes are created at the dining table!”