Attempting to change destiny.

Toshubi on Aug. 22, 2008

Hey guys and gals…
There probably won't be a comic up next week because Ickus is in the hospital and my new car was wrecked yesterday.
Seriously! Does Washington actually have a real driving test? Or is the test simply done by putting a mirror under the nose, if you fog the mirror you pass?
I lived and drove in Oregon for 20 years and not once was I hit. I've been in this friggin state for four months and I've been hit twice! Both drivers who hit me had no insurance! What the fuck is wrong with you people!! The current idiot who hit me had to top the shit pile by not only being uninsured, but had a suspended liscence as well.
Seriously… I'm really begining to lothe you Washington people! If you don't have insurance, don't drive. If you don't have a liscence, DON'T DRIVE YOU FRIGGIN MORONS!!!!

Oh but it doesn't just stop there!!
Ickus is in the hospital thanks to a pancreas infection and the damn doctors are dragging thier feet to find out what the cause is or how bad it is. She has no insurance so the've just pushed her out into the hallway on a gurney leaving her there to moan in pain! I sat with her for five hours waiting for a doctor to help her! FIVE HOURS!! Finally I had to go home. She said she'd call me when they finally release her.

There is no God… And if there is one… He's got a lot of EXPLAINING TO DO!!!