Un Chien Andalou

strixvanallen on Dec. 16, 2014

I did this some months ago to test SAI and I forgot that I never posted it, so you don't fully appreciate the eye jar thingie in last strip. Here you have, then, a stupid comic with the previous generation of Bram font-size: 12px; background-color: #dae5d6;“>Featured: Jonathan Gordon (Lucy's father) as the little-brother-that-want-to-stick-with-the-older-guys, ”Jack" (Johnny's father) as the nerd friend, Mina (Lucy's aunt) as the gang leader and the Third (Bram's father) as that weird boy that no one likes to contradict. You've already seem the ‘boys’ together in a strip, but what about Mina? What happened to her?
Nothing exciting, she just got a job opportunity in Manchester and moved to there.
The fact that she broke up with the Third after three years dating and left him devastated may have helped her ‘disappearance’, too.
(Last, but not least: I don't advise that you watch Un Chien Andalou - the movie they are watching - at work. Actually, I don't advise you to watch it at all if you don't have a strong stomach. I mean, an eye is slashed FOR REAL in the opening of this film. The Third's observation is due to the fact that they didn't slash a HUMAN eye (of course), but a calf eye. It's still unnerving as hell to watch this.)