Page 300- End?

Toby Durr on Feb. 12, 2018

Holy jeez that was a long three years. What? It was longer than three years? Well, a lot happened anyway, and that's before we even get into what happened to me in real life since I started Coga Nito.
Well, here we are, ladies and gents. Page 300. When I started on Coga Nito, this was the planned end point- I took the barebones plot structure of Coga Suro, my first webcomic project which ran to 300 pages over about three years, and stuck new stuff over the top of it, which eventually developed into Coga Nito. Some characters and events were pretty similar, others were very deliberately different. But after a chapter or so in, I knew it was going to carry on for a while, because it reached that point where the characters started to move on their own a little, and totally new stories began arising organically, and…
Wait, wait, I'm rambling? This doesn't look like the end, you say? Well, you're right. I have more planned for you lucky lads and lasses. Several more things, in fact, the first of which is, uh the traditional chapter-end-character-page, but the second of which is… Chapter 16! It'll be an actual proper finale, and you'll get the entire damn thing at once, so you don't have to read a fight scene two pages a week for half a year. Yay! For more on that, watch this space and my Twitter.