Bonus Page: Golgotha

theleast on Dec. 20, 2007

Trivia: Though I spent many weeks constructing Golgotha, I didn't settle on a name for it until the last minute. It's working name (which I had no intention of using) was Tortuga.

Two gentle reminders: The 2008 calendar is still available for sale, and if you don't want one, can't afford one, or would prefer that 95% of your expense goes my way, instead of just 5%, then please donate.

Linky Goodness: If you're distressed by Crimson Dark updating once a week in 2008 instead of twice (thankyou everyone for your kind words of support, btw), then maybe you should fill your time by reading Gunnerkrigg Court. It updates three times a week, and is a substantially better read.

Also, I think I ought to give advance warning that once Chapter 6 begins, I will no longer be updating the Drunk Duck mirror. To continue reading, you will need to use the main site.