Chapter 1, Page 46

alschroeder on March 2, 2011

As many of you know, I try to base a lot of characters I draw on real people–often actors. Essaybee's description had the person Chant spotted as an “old man” and I thought about it for a minute, and I remembered Redd Foxx on SANFORD AND SONS going “I'm comin', Elizabeth!” and I couldn't resist.
There were a couple of artistic challenges here. Trying to depict how Bob, who sees energy-fields, might see Mindmistress, yet still keep her recognizable–how Chant's mystic sight would spot the uniqueness of that old man…(think about who the Doppelganger Gang are capturing, who they're searching for…)
Even doing Bob's dialogue boxes, and keep them distinct from the rest of it.
They were all…interesting challenges.
New comic Tuesday by Xmung, and another one next Thursday by Essaybee!–Al