Enough - p2

Ryjia on July 28, 2009

Edit: I've now updated this story for a booklet of Tea Tales doujinshi circle, you can buy it here.

That´s Enough Dutch

Updates every day untill it´s end.
pages 2-8

Throwing pebbles at the window doesn´t seem to help.
Tony Tony Tony. Tony used to have a lot of piercings and some really wicked hair, but in this story he is trying to change… Hence quitting his smoking. Tony is very ugly XD I love it!
The bed looks crooked and the thing that opens the window seems unrecognisable, but atleast I didn´t leave them out.
Also that treestump had a story too, Rei used to climb down from it from her window (because she wasn´t tall enough to reach to the pipe instead) and one day her father just removed the tree.