The wonderous funeral of Dr. Brillenschnitzel

Brillenschnitzel on April 1, 2012

Originally I planned never to release my secret records of thewondrous funeral. I was carrying a moleskine around, showing it to a selected few.But many of those to whom I showed the booklet told me that this story should really find a bigger audience. Urged even by friends to publish it, I recently came to the conclusion the cyberspace could be the right place. Unfortunately this part of the universe seems kind of limited by the necessity of using text to connect minds.

English is not my mother tongue so I am publishing my drawings here with some thoughts written in german. And even if the original was created without words solely using drawings to tell the whole story some might think it would be nice to read the sentences added to the images. At this juncture I can only offer my english audience autotranslations of Microsoft translator or the Google translator. These services should be called garblelators and I really recommend to conclude only from my pictures. Thank you for following me regardless of this inconveniences.

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