Electric Rabbit and Rocket Cat 1 page 1: RED ALERT!!

Kokuchan on Sept. 15, 2008

Well, I tried for a new version of ERARC, but I couldn't sink my teeth into the new version. Fortunately I'd only done two pages of that version, so i expect no linch mobs. So..this is the original version that I shall be continuing to add to. As I already have a complete issue, it should be a lost easier for me to get into the flow of it. Denki / Electric Rabbit, btw, is the first anime style character I ever created. Orginally she was a cyborg bunny-girl, but I always found that rather drepressing and awkward to work with. So..here she is..the one..the true Denki No Usahi; The Electric Rabbit!! (and Rocket cat!!)