Fusion #4 Page 45

EssayBee on Aug. 2, 2011

Here's page 45 of Fusion #4, and Brooder cools Fusion down for strategic purposes. And, even though it seems that the villains have won this round, X-Pletive manages to squeak out a minor victory (a remnant from his victory over the Speedsters). Only 3 pages to go in this issue–and still a major villain to introduce.
Also, you may have noticed that the look of the site has changed. Just some minor cosmetic tweaks (and some custom-made buttons), but I think it looks much nicer than it did on the old Drunkduck. Now I just gotta figure out how to insert picture links to the print copies of Fusion 1-3 on sale at Indyplanet.com (as well as a link to Crossoverkill).

(EDIT–Thanks to Xade's note, I now have links for anyone interested in buying print copies of the first 3 issues, as well as a link to Crossoverkill (featuring Fusioin). Hopefully all of this extra info doesn't look too cluttered.)

I've also been talking with another talented artist (and creator of a character who's appeared in Fusion), and there may be another comic soon set in the same world as Fusion and featuring cameos from some of the characters here. I'll keep you posted as this develops and be sure to direct you to the comic and artist's site when it launches.