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Zarya on July 7, 2014

Things are about to happen.

This week is the busiest of weeks. Its my last week of summer class
and so I have an exam today and a final Thursday. On top of that fun
mess I have to prepare for going out of town and socialize my skittish
doggie to the boarding facility. My doggie is the most skittish of
doggies and so it is going to be a long week. But on the plus side I got
a ton of comic work done this weekend. Comic work is my way of avoiding
studying and there was lots of studying to avoid this weekend.
I'm goign to queue up the pages in advance for when I go out of town. Have no clue if the comic will show as updated but there should be updates on the 14th and 17th. If something goes wrong, expect two pages to be added on the evening of the 17th. Thursday the 10th will be a normal update day.