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Zarya on April 6, 2015

At least Fae was able to dodge before she tripped. Faes not a
clumsy person, but that limestone floor is super slippery with all of
the water flowing over it. If youve every been in a living cave (cave
with water traveling through it), youve probably experienced just how
slippery that surface is.
If youve never been in a living cave, other than missing out on a
great experience, you probably have no clue how slippery that cave floor
is. Walking on the wet surface of a cave is a lot like walking across a
freshly mopped floor. Theres very little friction and one miss-step
can send you sliding. The sliding is only worse with bare feet. To me it
would be unrealistic for Fae not to trip at least once now that water
is being hurled around everywhere. Also, Ive only ever been in
commercial show caves; Ive been told that the actual rock surface is
much more slippery than the paved floor of a show cave (which is already
fairly slippery).

Check out this hilarious picture I received from Waffles597 who creates the webcomic Elmer the Eccentric. I love it so much! Waffles597 made this as part of the Comic Fury Easter Egg Fan Art Eggchange.
Theres a bunch of other really great arts in the exchange but, in my
completely biased opinion, this one is the very best. If you like this
picture, youll love Elmer the Eccentric (its a fun read).