An Awkward Anouncement

Kin on Nov. 26, 2008

Welcome to Feeling Phantasm, my first web-published hand drawn comic.

This comic was originally drawn for the webiste and forum of TwilightPhantasm or TP, for short. All the characters in it are actual members on the forum.

It may be a bit hard to follow this comic if you aren't familliar with TP, so I'll sugest becomming a member there, since it's a great forum, and give you some quick info:

Ben = The Adminstrator
The “No Odd :)” sign = The member Oddball complained about not being in any comics. Go figure.
The Ginat in teh background = The moderator/adminstrator Jolly Green Giant, or JGG.

More will be revealed if you keep reading :)

I'll go work on some nifty Logos and stuff now, bye!