Chapter One, Page Twenty-Two

StSean on Aug. 21, 2012

The last page of Chapter One is actually the first page that Juan Romera drew for me.

When I initially was looking for an artist to illustrate Frater Mine, I had no idea what I was doing. It was easy enough to place an ad at DigitalWebbing, but I was not prepared for the over 300 responses I got. This was 2005 and I couldn't believe how many talented artists were just laying around -I still can't, and I think there's even more of them now- looking for projects to get involved in. I was after great consideration (and long talks with friends) able to pare the applicants down to 50, gave them the parameters of the project and waited to see who wrote back, thinking that a low-paying gig with a nobody would get me a handful of interested responses.

Twenty-five artists wrote back.

Unable to decide, I asked the twenty-five to do a test page for me, and I would pick based on who could best represent my characters. Hands down, it was Juan, who is always amazing.

Chapter Two to come soon!

The complete trade paperback of “Family Reunion” is available at IndyPlanet for those of you who cannot wait to see how it ends. The beginning of the second arc (issues 4 through 8) - “Here, There and Nowhere” - can also be found there for purchase.