Page 28

MMMelody on Jan. 8, 2011

Thanks so much for everyone that voted! I'm still going through my e-mail to reply to people, so don't worry if you got it in a little late or anything. I didn't get time to do all the doodles and sketches last week but I'll get to them very soon.

As for this weeks news:

If you guy keep supporting the comic (through comments or votes or e-mails or anything), I'm going to do my best to make a website just for it. Don't worry, I'll keep updating here, but I think it'll be nice to have a site to put up background info and fan art and whatnot.

Oh! and there will be a fanart contest to celebrate the opening. So start thinking of what you would like to draw. I'll explain the prizes and rules later since it probably won't happen until the beginning of next month.