The Cross of Grime Alley! Page 3

CartoonistWill on Jan. 2, 2018

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This story just came to me after praying that the Lord help me just create and put out a Gospelman comic. It'd been since 2004 (that's about 10 or 11 years between) that I created Gospelman and started saying I was going to do a comic, and I really just got tired of saying and not doing. So I give God the credit for the inspiration.

I originally conceived Knight Hare, A.K.A. Rabbit-Man, here as Batman himself. Originally I thought it would be fun to have Gospelman meet famous DC and Marvel superheroes and compare and contrast them. Well, it really only works with Batman as he symbolizes despair and darkness. That's why Bats is always being paired with Superman, who symbolizes hope and light. The same thing is being done here - Gospelman's hope is being contrasted to the hopelessness of Batman. Of course, I had to do some digital edits later, after I decided I wanted to print this, as I can't legally use Batman. Originally it was only meant as a free webcomic, so copyright laws weren't originally a concern.