Chapter 6, Page 11

selecthumor on Feb. 4, 2013

“The Will of Zeus is Absolute”
@KingZombie999 (Chapter 6, Page 10): thank you
@Kou the Mad (Chapter 6, Page 10): Hephaestus is too kind to plan revenge, especially since he realizes it's all his fault and that everyone is just reacting to his aggression in past chapters. If he didn't invoke the wrath of Zeus, Hephaestus would have been allowed to be with Thetis this entire time.
@tthorn3 (Chapter 6, Page 10): it's his own sign of saying he pities Hephaestus for what horrible betrayal to Thetis the young god has did in order to agree to her safety: Hephaestus must stop being her son in order to protect her
@bludhaven (Chapter 6, Page 10): the Will of Zeus is Absolute