Chapter 0, Page 1

selecthumor on Feb. 19, 2014

Going with the Zero Issue scheme as this doesn't necessarily build upon future chapters very well, but still a good story nonetheless.

Unlike the other chapters, this one isn't based upon a canonical Hephaestus myth, which is another reason why I am not labeling it under the proper chapter numbers (taking a note from New 52 DC lol) As such, there may not be poetry to come with this one.

I do not know how often I am able to update compared to previously, but I will try to have at least one per week.

As one can see, this is pre-Origins Hephaestus.

@man in black (Practice Sketch: Little Heph): I did try to log in a few times before but I lost track with me on hiatus for quite some time.
@Spikes (Practice Sketch: Little Heph): perhaps because it'd be true XD