HA #9 Page 42 by Ironhand and Irrevenant

Abt_Nihil on Oct. 12, 2015

Artwork by the formidable team of Ironhand (lineart) and Irrevenant (colors)!

The - GASP! - shocking conclusion to this chapter. (As a reminder what Relik is talking about, here's what he overheard back in issue #6.) A huge thanks to all contributors, readers and commenters! The next update will be on next Monday.

P.S.: Irrevenant wins a No Prize for anticipating this plot point all the way back in 2013 (see the comments to the linked page).

Also, sux made the great suggestion that we should have some Halloween artwork, so if you'd like to see HA characters dressed up all scary-like, why not draw them and I'll post your artwork here? ^_^