Planning something.

MangaWriter on Dec. 14, 2007

Sorry I've missed so many updates. To tell you the truth, I've been planning an animated HTBAF series for a while. I guess I've kinda got my heart set on that. So, I guess I'll start on it.
It won't be called How to be a Fanboy, because it's caused too much confusion. There IS a really important thing that has to do with fanboy… but the comic hasn't gotten to it yet. So I'm thinking of just naming it Hideaki.
I'm also considering rewriting the whole comic and renaming it Hideaki, to fit. The revision will fill in any holes I've left, hopefully.

Right now I'm not sure what I'll do, but I'm gonna play around with the animated series, because it seems like a good idea, it'll probably look really cool, and it will be another way to reach fans.

Since, apperantly I lost all my fans when I said I was gonna stop HTBAF forever, but restarted it about a month later. ^_^;;

Well, I'm gonna go test some animation. Go read Twisted Toyfare Theater, cuz it's awesome.