I Miss You~Mere~ Page 02

Keily Shinra on Sept. 21, 2009

Second page. Here is me growing up…or…er…my mental self growing up anyways as I am quite fat and not at all skinny. XD LOL

Anyways…I do own all of those outfits. It's rather sad. The 11 year old dress is pink…and I mean PINK. The dress I'm wearing as a fourteen year old is blue and vaguely reminds people of Rinoa whenever I wear it. And I was very proud of my chest as I was the only one with C cups at that age in my class. XD And I had height issues…I would try to stand on my toes to be on par with most of the boys who grew up so fast!! And finally…we have me in my prom dress. I my was so damn long. XD And when I curled my hair it became one massive curl that pissed me off! I was like ‘Nuuu~! How could this happen? My pretty ringlets!’ Next time, I go to a professional and see if she could make it all curly without it turning into one huge curl.

And, if you noticed, as I grew older, I calmed down quite a bit. ^_~