Cast pictures one

bravo1102 on April 28, 2014

A group shots of the cast playing with the make-up and the survivors share an end of shooting sigh of relief.

I have an idea for a really bad superheroine comic. Really stupid pervy stuff one step away from Batbabe. It'll probably be in an anthology comic going forward so I can fit varied stories under one or two banners. One will probably be “Belle's Best Boxed set: the films of Belinda Brandon” featuring various bad movies she's been in. (Belle is the figure playing Calloway) That way I can do Demon's Bride, Laboratory of Evil and Crimson Sash under one comic banner.

The Star Trek meets the Grey Guys send-up will probably appear under “Tales of the Security Intelligence Group” featuring the further adventures of the Aordian gals from Battle of the Robofemoids. That script is mostly done through there might be some linking scenes added. Don't know. And we'll have Spock meet one of Fy-zorla's cousins.