Blinded By the Light

Chameleon Kid on March 4, 2009

I'm baaaaack! Hey y'all, didja miss me? ‘Cause I missed you! *BIIIG cyber-hugs all th’ way around* Hmm, perhaps I'm being a little overenthusiastic…NAAAH! ^o^

As you might be able to tell, JC has gone through some changes yet again–hopefully for the better. (Well I think it's for the better at least.) I'm going to word bubbles with black borders, and they look pretty snazzy. I'm going to TRY to work harder at my backgrounds and have less cheating ones. I've changed my shading style, perhaps most noticeably, but the same 6 panel layout is staying the same!

Speaking of things staying the same…Can anyone spot the bowling ball?! Yep, it's STILL there! (It'll only leave when this story arc ends.) Soooo you can still score cookie points. Now let's see if I can remember how to do this–it was all falling to pieces before my hiatus. In fact, most of C was falling to pieces. But now I'm bouncing back bigger, badder, and harder than ever! I'm a year older and ready to get back on the ball. (Yeah, today was actually my birthday. And Tomorrow, March 6th, is my little sister's, so I gotta go make her a picture!) ^_~

But I digress…Let's see, Cookie Points Scoring Sheet: you get cookie points for pointing out the bowling ball. 3 points to the first one to do it. 2 points to the 2nd and 3rd. And 1 point for everyone thereafter. If you're a new spotter, you get one point per page with the bowling ball. (But you have to keep up from there.)

And you can trade your points in for pictures.

2 Points: gets you a black & white picture.

7 Points: gets you a colored picture.

10 Points: gets you a colored picture with a BACKGROUND.

30 Points: gives ya the th' whole shebang! A Full Portrait with MAH AWESOME SHADING AND COLORS! (Well, I'd TRY to make it awesome…heh, we'll see how that works out, eh?)

The scores stand thus far: (as I had last put them down…) Uhhh man, I forgot how to do links. XD *been awhile* Let me just go refresh my memory…














Now I dunno how accurate or right that list even is–and I may've forgotten some people, but cut me some slack. I was having a mental breakdown at the time. XD Okay, no I wasn't. But I WAS sinking into disappointment with JC and being overwhelmed. I'm back and better than ever now. For me, like it was for Spider-Man, it's a “Brand New Day.” (Heehee, I'm following the Amazing Spider-Man series.) ^o^

Be back on Sunday for another update! (I just typed a LOT.)

Oh and check it out, I've redrawn 3 old JC pages!

Page #1

Page #2

Page #3