Blezz Sweerx

Azaeziel on April 12, 2024

Still alive, barely. Still arting, sort of.

This is my tribute/imitation of the art of

My sister is running a new Pathfinder TTRPG game (Troubles in Otari/Abomination Vaults) with the new remastered core rules. As you saw before with Oleander, I really like goblins, so I decided to try another. This one is a Cleric of Gorum, by the name of Blezz Sweerx. I anticipate a fun time, if it lasts longer than the last one. Fingers crossed.

Anyway, thank you for taking a moment to look at my art. Thank you Ronindude for the inspiration/base image. (Not that he reads this, but still gotta give credit where credit is due.)