#E.6: A New Journey

Andore Mordre on Aug. 14, 2018

Well, what a journey this has been. Nine years. To anyone still hanging around after all this time, thank you for reading. This is the place where I thank people, right? Well, okay, I can think of a few people to thank.

Thanks to Micah for helping me to get better at this writing thing, for the 100′s milestone pages, and for getting me started on learning how to draw. Thanks to Kelly for keeping me invested in making these comics and just for putting up with me in general. I didn’t know either of you when this comic started, but I feel confident in saying that this comic probably wouldn’t still be here if I hadn’t met you along the way. But, most of all, thanks to you, readers, for sticking with me for nine long years. I honestly don’t know how you did it.

It’s truly insane to think of all that’s happened since this comic started. Six Zelda games have come out since then (counting Hyrule Warriors)! I’ve started four comics (and finished one and cancelled another) since then! And then there’s all the stuff that’s happened outside of gaming and comics, and…it’s really a little overwhelming to think of.

It’s crazy to think that I only started this comic as practice for other projects I’d been planning to do. My original plan was to make a quick parody comic of the original game (maybe 100 pages at most), then maybe I’d move on to the next game and do another quick parody. But, as always with me, it expanded into a much bigger story that took probably way too long to be told. Along the way, I’ve learned quite a bit about writing and general storytelling techniques. I plan to put everything I’ve learned to good use in the future.

So, what’s next? Well, now that The Legend of Link has ended, I can start dedicating full time to Through the Window. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I highly encourage you to do so. It’s easily my favorite comic I’ve ever worked on, and will likely lead to news on some other projects in the near future (hello, YouTube!).

Namco Wars has been on hiatus for a long time, because life has been really insane in the past three years. But when I’ve settled into a better schedule with Through the Window, I’m hoping to bring that back and work on both at the same time. There’s still a lot to do there.

On a side note, remember Evacuation? That chapter I did for Micah that I was completely obsessed with? I’m working on a sequel. News on that to come later, probably over at Through the Window. But for now, I’ll say that it’s going to be a very different kind of story from what you’re used to seeing from me…and might be told in a different medium from comics. Are you perhaps intrigued by this information?

I think that’s about all I can think of to say here, the page is already an hour late and I’m still writing this commentary. But seriously, to anyone who’s stuck around for all this time, thank you so much for reading for almost 900 pages. Let it be known that I have no intention of stopping any time soon, and I personally am looking forward to seeing what’ll come of future projects as long as I continue having ideas and as long as anyone has any interest in seeing them.

See you later!