Dare Rave

Kittywitch on Feb. 16, 2017

Originally posted on Oct. 24, 2007

Here we have the back of Papillion's head.
Crap. In the original script, he said his name in the last comic. Now he doesn't. But it is scribbled in the corner with my signature. Anyway… I'm been informed that he doesn't look much like a raver because ravers don't have braids. Oh well. I like his braid. I braided a bunch of ribbons together to make sure the colors switched out properly, even though the actual plait is a bit stylised.
The teacher's face will not be shown until I finalise his character design.
As you can see, I need to replace my 40% warm grey prismacolor. I went out today and bought the wrong one. Stupid memory.
The remastering on this comic didn't go as smoothly as it did on other comics, but at least the lettering is better.