Lucky Dawg Bites – The Only Good Vampire: Page 11

thefightingstranger on March 19, 2011

Ah, it sparkles.

Okay, I have a confession to make. I had no clue why they were called “sparkly vampires”. I was pretty ignorant to Twilight, except for the version where Reese Witherspoon got naked. I seen the Edward guy in posters and trailers, all pale, no spark. Then Showtime and all their channels began playing the movie day and night, so I decided to watch it. Boring beginning, still no sparkle. They got to the part where whitey and stoner gal start walking toward a ray of sunshine. I’m thinking, “You twit, vampires turn to ash in the sunlight.” It happened and I finally got it. He sparkles under the sun.

CLICK! I’d seen enough.

Art by Elton Dias
Colors by Guillermo Ucha
Letters & written by Adam J. Monetta