Evil Games

PaulEberhardt on Dec. 5, 2013

Whew! Done it! I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner. The recent feature made me very happy indeed (thanks, again!), so I would have given a lot to get this update done faster.

This page is a result of a perilous combination of me getting carried away with details and at the same time being constantly needed for all kinds of other stuff. And the result may even have one or the other disgusting aspect at that. Well, but that's often the case with a cat's idea of entertainment. Or Tiger's idea of philately for that matter. ;P

While Gundula is generally a nice enough person to be around, one should sometimes keep in mind that this only applies to those persons who don't cross her. Her neighbour Mrs Priggemeyer, for instance, has the bad luck of belonging to the other category. By the way, she has made an appearance in this comic before, long ago: http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Master_the_Tiger/5348039/ http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Master_the_Tiger/5349351/

By the way, the pretext for this page and the procedure explained by Gundula are based on a number of old folk legends from the Bremen region, especially those recorded by a Mr Friedrich Wagenfeld in 1844 and 1845. I'll tell you more about that guy and his collection of Bremen folktales when the opportunity arises. Trust me, it will. Only so much for now: his personal story is just as fascinating as the stuff he wrote.

Thanks for reading and commenting and have a nice weekend!