Sophie's Zero-Gee Experience

PaulEberhardt on Feb. 10, 2017

Next update: (EDIT from 25 Feb) I was hoping to get it done yesterday, but I'm afraid it'll still take me a while. I'll post something as soon as I can, though. Sorry.
Hi, everyone! Got a real deathstar-sized page for you this time. I think after so much stuff to read, I'll spare you the usual rant about it. However, for those who are really interested in details, like the many references in this or the making of this page, I put up a rather extensive annotated version here:
Also, I did a little bonus picture:

And here's a recommendation for a soundtrack for this page, to complement the spaced-out experience ;)
Thanks for reading and commenting, and have a lovely weekend - or should I say “Live long and prosper”?