Page 36 - Quick Exit

TheGhost on July 28, 2016

It's been a while since my last update, and I want to apologize for my absence. If you follow me on Twitter, then you know a little bit about what's been going on. Long story short, I moved before the house was ready to be lived in. Though it has electricity, it needed water. After many weeks of rain (soggy ground is a pain to dig in), it was dry enough to dig a trench for the waterline. Now I have to wait for someone to come out and properly check all of the fittings inside the house (for leaks and other issues), then the water can finally be turned on! So everyday I make the short walk over to the house and try my best to work on pages.

About the page; this was actually two pages I managed to rework into one. I hope I can find other pages I can also condense. At this point, the chapter is almost at the halfway mark.