Ch 8, pg 16

DaWaterRat on May 8, 2012

Today's song is an original song, so I don't have to worry about another cover. :) (Actually, that's why today's page is on the late side. I kept re-writing the song.)

@Jerrie - I'm glad you're enjoying the comic. Even with my taste in music (I'm a child of the 80's and fan of hair metal, and not ashamed of it. ;)) Don't worry I don't antipate doing any Monkees covers… well, maybe a line or two of Daydream believer sung by Tasha to her daughter, but nothing more than that. I really do try to make everything work for the story. I think there's only been one page in the whole comic that was just padding. :)
@Ozmandious - Kiss is very likely to show up, but maybe not covered by Muse of a Knight. Or at least, not with Morgan on lead vocals. ;)
@Banes - :) I have to admit I kinda take “It's my Life” as a personal anthem. It was bound to show up somewhere. (I'm also a fan of Auntie Mame.)