Ch4 Pg45

Cheeko on May 29, 2008

Could it be?
And… whoa… what is this? Could I possibly have made massive improvements upon all of my coloring techniques? Actually, no. It's just my awesome friend's coloring skills at work. Kelly January, if you all remember, has promised to help out with summer updates by coloring what pages I send her. And seriously, who can deny the awesomeness that radiates from the page? If anything, my cruddy lineart just dirties it.
Yes, I'd like to apologize for the low quality of today's page. It's been awhile since I've been able to draw at all, so I'm just getting back into things. I found myself in a sudden burst of artistic inspiration because I finally found an awesome desk to use in my room. It's a small but cozy little computer desk with tons of shelf space, in great condition. The best part is that I paid TWELVE DOLLARS for it! :D Yeah, I'm starting to really love garage sales. When I can, I'll see if I can't take some pictures to show y'all. I'm really in love with this piece of furniture, it's great.
ALSO! A One Question Movie?! Dude, it could be the major release of the summer!
Actually, that super sweet trailer of ultimate bad-buttery was made by a really good friend of mine called Molly Doylie. She and I (as well as two other awesome girls) are going to be living together next year. There will be rockin' times to be had at the Thunder Dome!
One Question was also featured on OltreComics this week! You can see the actual article here. It's a great little blurb, but I haven't gotten any good reviews yet. ;) Be sure to check out the rest of the site while you're there! Maybe you'll find some other good comics to read. :)
Nothing much to report this week, other than our router suddenly decided to die. None of the computers can get internet in the house unless you're sitting two inches away from the wireless modem… which is what I'm doing right now. It's made getting around on the internet rather difficult (I had to burn the PSD file of the inks to this page on a CD and then bring it down to the desktop computer just to get it to Kelly on Tuesday night), but I've been able to manage.
I'm also in the middle of totally revamping the Links page over at the new site. I need to put up the Link Exchange for Palace in the Sky Publishing (of which I am now part! Hurrah!), correct all my horrible spelling and make it look really nice with some banners. It would also be a good place to put some actual things with which you can link to One Question as well, eh? But for awhile, that page won't really be that interesting until I find the time to mess with it. Sorry, please be patient with me.
Cheeko out.