General Announcement

Strain42 on April 10, 2013

Okay everyone, this is gonna be a bit hard to explain, so lemme go over things here as best I can. I had a LOT of debate about how I was going to handle the comics for this game. Originally I was just going to go through each character's story one by one once we're in the TV and then have them all link up at the end. But that would have made this comic incredibly long, and kinda boring to have to reset to the start for every single character.
Then I thought I would try to maybe tell everyone's story at once and just cut to different characters after each fight…this also proved a bit too confusing and long and just was giving me a headache.
So this is what I ended up going with. Basically the only characters who are getting their full stories told are Yu, Aigis, and Elizabeth (note, much like in the game, Elizabeth is the only one immune to General Teddie's powers, in the comic's case to bend continuity to his will). So everything that happens in their story modes will happen in the comic. As for the other characters, I have made sure to include at least one important scene and/or fight from each character's story mode. So every character will kinda get their own moment in the spotlight here.
Just only Yu, Aigis, and Elizabeth are really getting the star treatment. Does that make sense? Everyone kinda caught up?
Great, so let's get this show on the road.