Mona unleashed epilogue part two of two

algeya on Feb. 21, 2013

Poor Mona you never get a rest.
I got some e-mails it seems a lot people liked this little arc, it has been a long time since Mona was in the spotlight,
Some ideas were tossed away , in my draft Mona was going to defeat
Belmonte in a real sized tetris game and then save him from the game
penalty (dead by falling tetris pieces) and I was going to expand the
battle scene (maybe I will when this get into a printed book or
something like that)
I was nervous, unlike Paco that wins his battles with brute power or Pilli with intelligence
Mona wins her battle with the power of being nice.
In some comics the strongest character decides if something is right or
wrong, I think if win your opponent heart is a biggest victory