Chap.2 [Pg. 6]

Skullbie on Sept. 25, 2008

Haitus: November 18, 2008
Plastic will be on haitus while as I work on other comic projects and focus on school u_u. I *do* plan to finish It though :) (just, y'know, later)) I appreciate all the support and hopefully I'll see it again when the comic returns,


News: October 04, 2008
My midterm is inching around the corner and i'm afraid I must set the comic progress back quite a bit u.u So next few updates will be very late until midterm is over, please hang on till' then. ^.^

I can't believe how fast it happened though, feel like only last week i started college. :$

Shanna loves digging holes.

That didn't come out right..

Apologies for late update, i'm literally in a swamp of homework here -.-
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