Episode Eleven: Whispers in the Dark

thegreatjoebivins on April 9, 2008

Hey there. While one of my comics taking an unannounced hiatus for nearly a year isn't exactly unheard of, in this case it was an oversight. While I was in the middle of this story, I realized that the first anniversary of one of my other comics was fast approaching, and I decided to work on getting that one up to one hundred pages so that I could celebrate both milestones at once. After that I started working on another story for the same comic and then shortly after that I started my blog, largely distracting me from comics for the last several months. In all the hubbubb, I forgot that I'd actually written the scripts for almost an entire story arc for this strip! It seems a shame to let them go to waste, especially as this comic is really easy to draw, so I'm going to try and keep regular updates until I get to the end of this story.

Here's the other deal: the winner is whoever figures out what TV show I'm parodying first. I haven't decided yet what the prize is, but I'd like there to be a prize (it probably won't be tangible though as I have no money). It's going to be really obvious in a few strips so watch carefully!