[8/Sep/2011] The Celluloid Ghost, page 9

Dee Arris on Sept. 8, 2011

Not much to say on this page, so I'll just shoot the breeze. Graduation ceremony is on the 26th of this month, and I consider myself lucky with the colours of my robes. Black and red may be a bit plain, but at least it's not, say, green and salmon like a friend of mine on a Game Art course had. I've been workng with said friend on a pilot for a children's mystery television show, so if you're a dab hand with music or voice acting, don't hesitate to contact me or keep an eye out on the Voice Acting Alliance. Last of all, my final major project – which won me an award at the End of Year Show – can now be viewed at my YouTube page.
-Scott D.

Skelwarp & Sons is copyright © Scotty D. & Stacy L., 2011.
Original artwork is copyright © P-Oudy G., 2011.