Ch 8 pg 30 T-3

Neilak20 on April 12, 2009


You should all know by now that these are the last few pages of SbH. 3 to go.

This is another page that's been condensed from many more, and unfortunately that meant removing the exchange between Horace and Trent, they were to commend each other on their outfits and choice of chokers. This page has one of the last cameos in it, Aka and Trent from StephODell's Akakami . I think there's one more on the last page.
I hope that this page clarifies who Rook is exactly. I also hope that the next page clarifies where Vowie came from.
Lots to do. Feel free to comment here, in the forum, or on my DA page! It's nice to hear from readers, helps me know there are more than 10 people reading it. ^_^;


This is the last week of Monday, Wednesday, Friday updates, next Monday is the FINAL PAGE!
Check out the forum for more info and possibly some insight into what my next comic project may be. (If I neglect to put something in there, you can always ask me in the forum.)
SbH Forum Go!

Till Later thanks for reading!